Spring cleaning in the car wash
With the first warm rays of sunshine and frost-free nights coming up soon, more car wash customers are finding their way to the car wash. Operators can therefore look forward to rising wash numbers. But how do you turn casual car washers into regular customers?
After customers return to the car wash when the cold winter lies behind us, don’t underestimate the first impression you can give with your car wash.
Experience shows that car wash customers often have planned a longer stay at the car wash after a winter break. They will devote themselves more intensively to vehicle care.
This extra care starts with cleaning out the interior. Many car owners accumulate various small things of trash over the winter. Such as defective scrapers, empty bottles of de-icer spray, forgotten coffee mugs, leftovers from winter vacations and -last but not least- used Covid masks.
Therefore, expect an increased amount of garbage. Especially on wash-heavy, sunny spring weekends. Increased waste volumes may be annoying for the operator, because they are associated with disposal costs. But it’s important to keep the premises clean. After all, you don’t want to scare away customers with overflowing trash cans and plastic waste lying around.
Weathered notices?
The start of spring is also the right time to check your own car wash. Not only should the wash equipment be functioning properly, but the entire premises should look inviting. Are there any weathered notices and information signs? Or are there defective self-service vacuums or malfunctioning mat cleaners? Beware, these things quickly create a negative impression.
It is wise the operator should go over his own wash bay with the eye of a curious customer in order to eliminate these weak points. In the current situation, defective equipment might take longer to replace than usual. So expect delays when equipment or broken parts need to be replaced.
Frozen smile
Lastly, the staff at the car wash also plays a major role in a returning visit. A wash campaign can intensify the customer’s interaction with the staff during the consultation. But even if no wash campaign is launched, spring is the best moment to remind staff of the external effect as well. Even the best employee’s smile can easily freeze during the cold winter months.
For customers who drive into the facility after a long break and with particularly dirty cars, it can be worthwhile to make the pre-wash a little more intense than usual. First of all, it makes the customer feel valued. And it ensures the customer will later leave the carwash satisfied.
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